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100% Europe and beyond !

Networking all around Europe and beyond!

The global pandemic has challenged the international innovation landscape. Almost one year into the start of coronavirus, two needs are more obvious than ever. Firstly, solving climate and environmental challenges, as reflected by the European Commission’s priorities in the European Green Deal. Secondly, global economic instability calls for strengthened international cooperation, especially in the fields of innovation.

This is why this year, Systematic’s 100% Europe & beyond event puts at the forefront the new Horizon Europe research programme of the European Commission. Three round tables focusing on sustainability of territories and the Green Deal; as well as mediterranean cooperation through a partnership with Maroc Numeric Cluster.

Clusters, territorial authorities and companies are invited for an afternoon of international conferences; followed by one-to-one business meetings.


13:30 | Overture by Jean-Luc BEYLAT, President Systematic Paris Region

13:35 | Roundtable « How Regions are addressing digital and environmental transformation » (European Green Deal)
Nawal Chraibi, Executive Director,MAScIR
Michael Hinterdobler, Director of European Affairs, Bavarian State Chancellery
Filipe Ferreira, Lisbon Metropolitan Area Secretary
Stefan Schildt, Managing director, Shared Services Administration, Stockholm Region

14:05 | Roundtable “Attractiveness of innovative territories”
Fadwa Sube, President of Optiva Darna and VP of Systematic
Eva Apfel, Deputy Head of Investor Services, Invest in Bavaria
Paula Afonso, Innovation Manager, Lisbon Metropolitan Area
Jalal Benhayoun, General Manager, Portnet

14:35 | Cross-mediterranean dialogue between Casablanca-Settat & Paris-Region authorities​

Valérie PécressePrésidente de la région Île-de-France​
Mustapha Bakkoury, Président de la région Casablanca-Settat​

14:55 | Roundtable “Horizon Europe and Digital Europe: a view from European clusters”
Peter Statev, Chairman, ICT Cluster (Bulgaria)
Jon Mitxelena, Head of Technological Projects, Gaïa (Spain)
Ola Svedin, CEO, Mobile Heights (Sweden)
Wolfgang Kurz, Manager Initiative Connected Mobility, Business Upper Austria (Austria)

15:25 | Conclusion by Karine JACQ, General Delegate Systematic Paris Region

15:30 | End of conference

16:00 | Start of one-to-one business meetings

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