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Appels à projets européens Digital Infrastructure & IoT

Find here the Horizon Europe Calls for Projects for the Digital Infrastructure &IoT Hub.

This list will be updated throughout the calls.

  • End-to-end satellite communication systems and associated services


    • Type of action: RIA
    • TRL: 5 to 6
    • Opening : 18.10.2021
    • Deadline: 16.02.2022

    The expected outcomes of this topic will enable flexible end-to-end satellite communication system (including both space and ground segment) with high productivity and growing data and service requirements. Security aspects should be considered in all targeted developments. Competitiveness will be strengthened by providing growing capacity per system, as well as flexibility and agility to face uncertainties and market evolutions and improving system availability and latency to deliver high-quality experience to end-users.

    Projects are expected to contribute to one or several of the following outcomes:

    • Capture 50% of global accessible Telecom satellite market by 2028.
    • Showcasing a secure, flexible and competitive end-to-end-system aiming a ground demonstrator by 2026/27.
    • Full inclusion and utilisation of satellite communication in 5G/6G network
    • Short to mid-term disruptive development and maturation of key technologies (up to TRL6) for high performance and secure communication systems.
    • Support the EU space policy and end-to-end secure communication by paving the way for the deployment of a future EU secure and global quantum satellite communication capacity.
    • Contribute to EU non-dependence for the development of quantum communication technology in space.
    • Enhance the TRL to 5-6 of the components necessary to build a quantum satellite communication capacity using EU technology in preparation of an IOD/V.

    This will contribute to developing, deploying global space-based services applications and data and contribute to fostering the EU’s space sector competitiveness, as stated in the expected impact of this destination.

  • Cognitive Cloud: AI-enabled computing continuum from Cloud to Edge

    • Type of action : RIA
    • TRL: 2 to 5
    • Opening : 23.11.2021
    • Deadline : 05.04.2022

    Proposal results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes:

    A new AI-enabled Cloud-edge framework (Cognitive Cloud) that will automatically adapt to the growing complexity and data deluge by integrating seamlessly and securely diverse computing and data environments, spanning from core cloud to edge. This framework will respond and adapt intelligently to changes in application behaviour and data variability offering automatic deployment, mobility and secure adaptability of services from cloud to edge to diverse users and contexts. Resource management should take into account the openness and trustworthiness of the underlying resource management layers. The Cognitive Cloud will interface with all the layers in the computing continuum plane and will learn through the monitoring and management of resources deployed on Cloud/Edge. Applying AI-techniques will cater for dynamic load balancing to optimise energy efficiency and maintaining balanced data traffic and high, distributed, reliable throughput from cloud to edge according to the application and user needs and the underlying infrastructures. The framework will also dynamically adapt the processing capacity of the cloud to the varying supply of green energy in order to optimise its environmental footprint. Application developers will be empowered with greater control over network, computing and data infrastructures and services, and the end-user will benefit from seamless access to a continuous service environment

  • Programming tools for decentralised intelligence and swarms

    • Type of action : RIA
    • TRL: 2 to 5
    • Opening : 23.11.2021
    • Date de clôture : 05.04.2022

    Expected impact

    Proposals for topics under this Destination should set out a credible pathway to contributing to world-leading data and computing technologies, and more specifically to one or several of the following impacts:

    • Improved European leadership in the global data economy
    • Maximised social and economic benefits from the wider and more effective use of data
    • Reinforced Europe’s ability to manage urgent societal challenges (e.g. data for crisis management, digital for clean energy).
  • Extreme data mining, aggregation and analytics technologies and solutions

    • Type of action : RIA
    • TRL: 3 to 5
    • Opening: 23.11.2021
    • Deadline : 05.04.2022

    Proposal results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes:

    • provide better technologies, tools and solutions for data mining (searching and processing) of large, constantly growing amounts and varieties of data, and/or extremely sparse/dispersed/heterogeneous/multilingual data (stored centrally or in distributed/decentralized systems), in particular IoT, industrial, business, administrative, environmental, scientific or societal data.
  • Ultra low energy and secure networks

    Call: Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the green deal
    • Type of action : RIA
    • TRL: 2-3 to 6
    • Opening: 23.11.2021
    • Deadline: 05.04.2022

    Proposal results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

    The work will contribute to

    i) a reinforced European leadership in connectivity, devices and service infrastructure, with European capabilities in shaping future connectivity standards,

    ii) a digital and green transitions towards low carbon footprint of connectivity platforms iii) enabling most demanding industrial use cases requiring very high grade of QoS and performances (real-time sub-millisecond latency and secure applications)

    The research covers enabling technologies for the long term objective of

    i) ultra low energy networks and corresponding EU industrial capability for end-to-end all-optical communications with no electro-optical conversion

    ii) ultra high security over fibre nets (e.g quantum grade beyond today’s range limitation).

    Complementary protocol level work may be considered to alleviate IP limitations, making networks deterministic, drastically reducing energy needs whilst increasing performances in terms of security, control by applications of differentiated features, and implementability as “Network on a Chip”.

  • European Enabling technologies for Beyond 5G/6G RAN disaggregated architectures

    Call: Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the green deal
    • Type of action : RIA
    • TRL: 2-3 to 4-5
    • Opening: 23.11.2021
    • Deadline: 05.04.2022

    Proposals are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

    • Availability of European capabilities for enabling hardware, computing, signal processing technologies for beyond 5G (B5G) and future 6G infrastructures in the context of disaggregated, virtualized networks, for both small cell networks and cloud-based macro RANs.
    • Availability of European capabilities for B5G/6G computing based on new computing architectures for Base station including accelerators (e.g. FPGA’s) capable of supporting even the most demanding 5G/6G processes in cloud servers and white box base stations or routers.
  • Developing digital platforms for the small scale extractive industry

    • Type of action : IA
    • TRL: 6 to 7
    • Opening: 12.10.2021
    • Deadline: 30.03.2022

    Projects outcomes will enable achieving the expected impacts of the destination by increasing access to primary raw materials, in particular critical raw materials for EU industrial value chains and strategic sectors.

    Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

    • Develop digital platforms (applications) addressing needs of small-scale operations, mining clusters and SMEs, to enable a transformative change in EU extractive industries ensuring EU raw materials autonomy, while protecting and restoring biodiversity, boost our resilience, fight climate change and recover from the COVID-19 crisis;
    • Develop business models and operation models.
    • Contribute to the digitalisation of the extractive industry.

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