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DIH4AI Webinar: « AI EU Consortia Matchmaking Event » (Wednesday 8 November 2023 / 10h00 – 11h30 CET)

DIH4AI Webinar "Discover potential partners with specialised AI expertise and form consortia that can elevate your projects to new heights"

DIH4AI Webinar "Discover potential partners with specialised AI expertise and form consortia that can elevate your projects to new heights"

DIH4AI Webinar: embark on a journey of collaboration as DIGIHALL and DIH Saxony-Anhalt unite to facilitate a unique matchmaking initiative.  Discover potential partners with specialised AI expertise and form powerful consortia that can elevate your projects to new heights.

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DIH4AI Webinar programme :

10h00 : Introduction by Intellera

  • Welcome address
  • Brief introduction about the objective of the webinar

10h05 : Presentation of Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) Saxony Anhalt by Fraunhofer IFF Magdeburg

  • Introduction to Fraunhofer IFF (DIH-Saxony-Anhalt)
  • Overview of DIH – Saxony Anhalt’s AI expertise and projects
  • Experiments from DIH4AI project

10h15 : Presentation of DIGIHALL by Systematic Paris-Region

  • Introduction to DIGIHALL
  • Overview of DIGIHALL’s AI expertise and projects
  • DIGIHALL’s role in the DIH4AI project

10h25 : EU Funding for SMEs by Systematic Paris-Region

  • Introduction to EU funding calls relevant for AI
  • The process of applying to EU funding as an SME (“cascade funding”)
  • Tips and advice from successful applicants to DIH4AI (open call winners)
    • AI4clearance
    • UOLD – UrbyetOrbit Land Digitalizer
    • X-ray Muon detection

11h05 : Interactive Q&A session moderated by Intellera

  • Participants can ask questions to DIH – Saxony Anhalt, DIGIHALL, and DIH4AI open call winners
  • Discussion about potential collaborations, partnership opportunities, and future projects

11h15 : Closing remarks by Fraunhofer IFF

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I am text block. 

I am text block. 

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