[Zoom sur notre adhérent] MEDIANE SYSTEME, présent sur IoT Solution World Congress

[Zoom sur notre adhérent] MEDIANE SYSTEME, présent sur IoT Solution World Congress

Systematic a le grand plaisir d’accompagner une délégation de ses adhérents sur IoT Solution World Congress, qui aura lieu du 10 au 12 mai 2022. MEDIANE SYSTEME fera partie du voyage. Vivien RAYNAL, Responsable Affaires et Projets – Bid and Delivery Manager, répond à 3 questions pour nous présenter son activité et ses ambitions.

1- Pouvez-vous nous présentez MEDIANE SYSTEME, ses produits, ses marchés et ses ambitions ?

Vivien Raynal : Médiane Système is an international company specialized in electronic, embedded systems, industrial computing and product cybersecurity. It aims at providing comprehensive technical skills to help industrial companies to master every technical aspects of solutions “from the sensor to the cloud” and to comprehensively adopt cutting-edge technologies in their developments.

Médiane Système is part of ICE Groupe, which brings together some twenty companies involved in the technical business sector: electricity, electronics and information technology. The group has a turnover of more than 120 M€ and employs more than 1,000 people.

Born more than 30 years ago, Médiane Système is broadly recognized by its clients for its expertise and its solid mastering of normative systems such as railway or energy transportation, and is able to provide value to large societies with agility as well as small societies with its broad knowledge of constrained developments and full project management.

2- Qu’attendez-vous de votre participation à IoT Solution World Congress ?

VR : Médiane Système can either provide you with skilled and dedicated resources, deliver turnkey products or systems, or support your development teams to enhance their skills and help them both deliver a time-to-market solution and gain autonomy to the use of new digital technologies.

Currently working in France, and following our expansion in Belgium and Italy, we look forward to collaborate with new clients and new countries. The congress is a mean to give visibility to our expertise and our capability to provide cutting edge solutions worldwide.

3- Quelle aide a pu vous apporter Systematic ?

VR : Médiane Système joined Systematic in 2020, and was immediately put in contact with a large diversity of companies and opportunities. Médiane Système is proud to announce that we already are part of the 5G mMTC project, labeled “CSF infrastructure numérique” which aims at providing large scale test facilities of IoT users of the 5G solution. Systematic has also made it possible for us to attend to the IOT solutions World Congress, and to have the opportunity to enhance our international visibility.

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