Call 1 : The Open Call for Consortium Innovation Leaders (CILs) at selecting one Organization per each EEN Consortium for the role of Consortium Innovation Leader role (CIL). Only one CIL for each of the EEN Consortia existing at the time of the application will be selected.
Call 2 : The Open Call for Local Nodes aims at providing support Vouchers to EEN Local Nodes to support submission of proposal under the EIC Accelerator programme from the project’s target groups, namely SMEs established in widening and associated Countries and Women-Led SMEs established in all Countries eligible under EIC programme.
Call 3 : The Open Call for Group Leaders and Local Nodes (SoE) aims at selecting one Organisation per each group of countries for the role of the Group Leaders (GLs) and one Organisation per each EEN Consortium for the role of the Local Nodes (LNs) in order to develop tight collaboration with local EEN nodes to provide the most adequate support to Seal of Excellence companies.
EIC-eligible technologies
Call 1 :
CILs represent a connection point between EEN2EIC project and its EEN consortium.
They support their local EEN Network in achieving impact in the respective consortium.
They identify and mobilize support for a local node in Women led enterprises and widening & associated countries.
They keep track of the companies involved by its consortium in EEN2EIC activities, including the companies applying for EIC framework.
They support the EEN2EIC consortium in communication activities at local level.
They support with organization of an information event in the region/area covered by the EEN consortium.
Selected CILs are eligible of up to 10.000€ for the support of eligible EIC applications in their consortium.
Call 2 : Local Nodes are responsible for providing direct support for EIC Accelerator applications to SMEs falling under the EEN2EIC priorities.
Local Nodes provide qualified support to eligible SMEs and contributes to the increasing of quality proposals, particularly number of funded projects led by women innovators and from widening and associated countries, for the EIC Accelerator.
Local Nodes contribute to support the innovation and scale up of companies in their networks, by identifying and selecting potential applicants in cooperation with the respective Consortium Innovation Leader (CIL).
Local Nodes are expected to leverage on the expertise of its advisor(s) to help to identify the ideal EIC candidate and provided customized support toward successful EIC Applications, also in terms of Technology and Innovation assessment, Commercialization strategy, Partnerships, Risk assessment, and Market projections etc.
Local Nodes are eligible for up to 3.700€ per each eligible company that they support in the EIC application process. The Vouchers are divided as follows:
– 1.300€ for the support of eligible companies applying for EIC Short Proposal (EEN2EIC Group A Voucher),
– 2.700€ for the support of eligible companies applying for EIC Full Proposal (EEN2EIC Group B Voucher).
Call 3 :
GL will be responsible for coordinating and supporting LNs within the designated region. They will provide support to LNs in their cooperation with SoE SMEs in obtaining financing from private as well as public sources.
GL will prepare and update on a regular base the list of possibilities of funding from public sources.
GL will be responsible for adding local investors and public funders to e-community, adding and onboarding SoE startups to e-community, e-pitches planning, training and coaching services of selected SoE startups and logistic details. GL will be responsible for participating in onboarding webinars and coaching workshops organized by EEN2EIC in the context of this project.
GL will be responsible for supporting EEN2EIC in preparation of the e-pitching calendar. GL will organize e-pitches (3 events minimum per year within the duration of contract for 3 years) with coordination of EEN2EIC and LNs. GL will be responsible for selecting companies from nominations provided by LNs and provide the pre-pitch coaching for selected companies.
GL will be responsible for inviting local and national investors to the e-pitches.
GL will be responsible for monitoring and updating the information about the regional / national EU innovation funding programmes relevant to SOEs.
GL will follow up the pitching companies and will provide additional matchmaking services for introduction the companies to the investors.
GL will provide all necessary data and contacts needed for reporting to EEN2EIC, European Innovation Council (EIC) and EEN.
GL must be active in the implementation of the project and must coordinate their actions with Coordination office. GL will be a member of the selection committee for Local Nodes in their groups.
EEN Consortiums Members and Partners are eligible.
Call 1 : Organization of a EEN Consortium (
Call 2 : Every partner organization of an established EEN Consortium ( at the time of submitting a request for voucher under the present Open Call is eligible to apply for this strand.
Call 3 : The present call for the Group Leaders is open exclusively for EEN members that are full partners of established EEN Consortium at the time of the present application. (