XR2Learn Open Call 2
The Open Call is seeking applicant(s) to propose the development of novel applications along with specifications that combine XR and educational use cases. With respect to the targeted sectors, a minimum of 70% will be dedicated to XR-application relevant to industry 5.0 technologies and relevant skills and a maximum of 30% will be allocated to sub-projects targeting other educational sectors (e.g. healthcare and medical, manufacturing, construction and engineering).
Virtual/Extended/Augmented Reality
In addition to presenting the technological concept and the use of XR-technologies, applicants are requested to provide initial exploitation plans and business scenarios, as these are important elements of the XR2Learn evaluation criteria.
Delivery of open-source versions of tools and/or applications will also be favoured.
Each sub-project is organised in 3 phases :
– Specification (3-month phase) : build/fine-tune the application concept, prepare a detailed pilot specification deliverable;
– Execution (7-month phase) : performing pilot execution
with real end users and validate the developed application;
– Growth (2-month phase) : promotion and exploitation of their project, aiming to engage new customers and/or partners and/or investors associated
The XR2Learn subprojects of this open call may have a total duration of 12 months. The final delivered MVP should have a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at least 7.
Each accepted sub-project may receive between €30,000 and €300,000 funding. Each participant legal entity may receive between €60,000 and €200,000. All partners are funded at 100% (lump sum). The total funding for the industrial partners should be at least 60% of the requested funding, while academic, teaching or research organisations request up to 40% of the total funding.
An application may be submitted by a single SME or small consortium of up to 3 members in total to pilot new or existing XR-application in real life settings. The Project Leader/Coordinator must be an SME, while the participation of a training providing organization (private or public) is mandatory. The inclusion in the consortium as a member of a potential user/ early adopter, especially in the application pilot specification and validation processes.