Like the classical Internet, the quantum Internet is a globe-spanning network of networks. The difference between these two Internet is the second one uses a quantum communication system. That means transporting all data in a quantum form. The mechanism used is quantum teleportation which relies on an intrinsic property of the theory, entanglement.

This webinar intends to bring the first answers to these questions and provide the state of the art in the field.

We will talk about the first experiments in Europe:

  • In Amsterdam, led by the research group Qutech and the dutch telecommunications operator KPN.
  • In Nice with the help of the CNRS Inphyni team and the french telecommunication operator Orange.
  • In Swiss with the help of the Swiss Quantum Hub.


14h00 – Opening speech

Jean-Luc Beylat – President at Nokia Bell Labs France and Président at Pôle Systematic

Christophe Calvin – International expert at CEA and President at Aristote Association

Alexandre Krajenbrink – Fellow at CQC, General Secretary and Co-founder at QuantX

14h10 – How we built it ?

Chun Yang Lum – Co-founder and CEO of SpeQtral

Virginia d’Auria – Associate Professor at Institut de Physique de Nice, coordinator of the Nice experiment

Frank Deppe, “Superconducting quantum circuit” group leader at Walther-Meißner-Institut

14h40 – Quantum Security for networks

Chris Ervan – CEO at Kets Quantum Security

Mark Kaplan CTO at Veriqloud

Lucian Comandar, Consultant at Boston Consulting Group

15h10 – Challenges and future perspectives

Elham Kashefi Director of Research at CNRS, Professor at University of Edinburgh, Co-founder at VeriQloud

Noel Goddard, CEO at Qunnect, Portfolio Manager at Accelerate NY Seed Fund, Investment Advisor at CIF

15h40 – Business Situation

 Jean-Christophe Goujon – Software/AI/Quantum Computing director at BPIfrance

Christophe Jurczak – Managing partner and Founder at Quantonation, President and Co-founder at LLQ, Treasurer and Co-founder at QuantX

16h00 – Conclusion