DIH4AI Webinar: « AI EU Consortia Matchmaking Event » (Wednesday 8 November 2023 / 10h00 – 11h30 CET)

DIH4AI Webinar: « AI EU Consortia Matchmaking Event » (Wednesday 8 November 2023 / 10h00 – 11h30 CET)

DIH4AI Webinar: embark on a journey of collaboration as DIGIHALL and DIH Saxony-Anhalt unite to facilitate a unique matchmaking initiative.  Discover potential partners with specialised AI expertise and form powerful consortia that can elevate your projects to new heights.

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DIH4AI Webinar programme :

10h00 : Introduction by Intellera

  • Welcome address
  • Brief introduction about the objective of the webinar

10h05 : Presentation of Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) Saxony Anhalt by Fraunhofer IFF Magdeburg

  • Introduction to Fraunhofer IFF (DIH-Saxony-Anhalt)
  • Overview of DIH – Saxony Anhalt’s AI expertise and projects
  • Experiments from DIH4AI project

10h15 : Presentation of DIGIHALL by Systematic Paris-Region

  • Introduction to DIGIHALL
  • Overview of DIGIHALL’s AI expertise and projects
  • DIGIHALL’s role in the DIH4AI project

10h25 : EU Funding for SMEs by Systematic Paris-Region

  • Introduction to EU funding calls relevant for AI
  • The process of applying to EU funding as an SME (“cascade funding”)
  • Tips and advice from successful applicants to DIH4AI (open call winners)
    • AI4clearance
    • UOLD – UrbyetOrbit Land Digitalizer
    • X-ray Muon detection

11h05 : Interactive Q&A session moderated by Intellera

  • Participants can ask questions to DIH – Saxony Anhalt, DIGIHALL, and DIH4AI open call winners
  • Discussion about potential collaborations, partnership opportunities, and future projects

11h15 : Closing remarks by Fraunhofer IFF

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I am text block. 

I am text block. 

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