Cyber & Security Hub


Cyber & Security

Since cyber and security are boosting our economy, Systematic’s Cyber & Security Hub is committed to fostering the emergence of a dynamic and structuring an ecosystem which has both national and European scopes !

Cybersecurity is essential to the success of all companies’ digital transformation, whether they are large or small businesses. Indeed, it is impossible to launch this transformation without being able to face the increasing number of threats and global security issues. Keeping knowledge, patents and information intelligence protected is now clearly part of every company’s strategy.

The Hub’s objective is to federate the entire Cyber & Security ecosystem (start-ups, SMEs, academics, large groups, institutions, investors). It aims to promote excellence in the sector’s strategic issues at regional, national, European and international levels, as well as at the sectoral, inter-clustering and Cyber Act scales.

The Hub’s ambition is to carry a resolutely French cyber and security vision and promote the development of our companies to make our country one of the key players in cybersecurity, by taking all fields into account. These are the main fields in which our companies excel :
  • National sovereignty and defense
  • Economy and technology
  • Legal and regulatory aspects
  • Cyber-physical systems
  • Digital systems

Cyber and security issues are fundamental to the development of the industry, but deeper than that, to all economic, government and privacy sectors. Major trends (virtualization, IoT, drones, etc.), the digital economy, data-centric applications and the consumption of services that replace system ownership, require efforts to secure and/or use these trends in cyber and security. The Cyber & Security Hub’s roadmap integrates the securing of Deep Tech: AI, Distributed Ledger Technologies (including blockchain), 5G, IoT, cryptography, biometrics, quantum…and transforms technological excellence into economic and societal value creation.

Cyber and security are also real economic and societal challenges :

  • Improvement and promotion of training which is adapted to the needs of industry
  • Creation of a society that guarantees both individuals’ and companies’ rights
  • Development of digital autonomy and of the digital sector
  • Contributing into the development of a European digital sovereignty

To help in developing European sovereignty and digital autonomy, the Cyber & Security Hub is integrating the most disruptive dual technologies into its roadmap, in conjunction with the Defense Innovation Agency (AID being its french acronym) and the French Ministry of Armed Forces, which has been Systematic’s supervisory ministry since its creation in 2005.

The AID has joined the Cyber & Security Hub’s Steering Committee and is particularly engaged on key issues (incident response platform, advanced data encryption, better knowledge of threats, etc.).

Systematic collaborates with the AID on several programs, here are some examples :

  • “Honeypot and Synapse” challenges
  • Exchange of information on Defense roadmaps
  • I-Naval project: sourcing of the Systematic’s Defense SMEs for meetings with military contractors
  • Presentation of the EDIDP “Europe of Defense” project calls and sourcing within the Systematic’s ecosystem

  • Acting as an adviser in economic development, education/training and about platforms in both cyber and security sectors.
  • Maximizing collaborative R&D funding for the benefit of Deep Tech innovation in security
  • Proposing the implementation of innovative collaborative secure platforms to develop the services of the future
  • Publishing a Vision and Perspective 2025 document and developing a roadmap in line with it
  • Regularly animating the ecosystem, in particular thanks to an annual major event
  • Contributing to the development of the ecosystem’s security and training offers

Alexandre Hervin,
Coordinator of the Cyber & Security Hub, is at your disposal if you have any question.

Join us
This membership gives access to all the services offered by the Cluster on the Innovation and R&D component and on the SME Development component.

Join the Cyber & Security Hub

A word from the President


R&D projects


funded R&D

Gilles DESOBLIN, Program Director Cybersecurity & Digital Transformation, IRT System X

President of the Cyber & Security Hub

Federate multi-sector players to strengthen France’s capacity for collaborative innovation in cyber & security in the Paris region, nationally and in Europe.

Support the national cyber & security acceleration strategy in creating synergies between industry players and in developing innovative sovereign solutions.

Promote training courses (initial and continuing) in cyber defense and crisis management, tailored to the needs of IdF region manufacturers.

Design and run events with (at least) national visibility in the IdF region.


Hub’s President


Program Director Cybersecurity & Digital Transformation, IRT System X

Gilles Desoblin is an experienced General Manager in cybersecurity, open innovation, digital transformation, technology transfer and change management.
He has solid multicultural and multisite technical and managerial experience, as well as excellent interpersonal, communication, negotiation and analytical skills. A strong strategic mind, and a sense of trends.

Hub’s Co-President

Thierry WINTER

CTO Evidian IAM products at Atos

Hub’s Vice-Presidents



Professor, Institut Polytechnique Paris



Manager of partnerships and innovation projects, INRIA Saclay-Île-de-France

Technology transfer

Members of the steering committee

© 2024 SYSTEMATIC PARIS REGION. Création Agence Peach