
Systematic Paris-Region

Welcome to the website
of the European DEEP TECH Cluster

Discover our hubs & stakes

Hubs & Stakes

As part of an open innovation approach, Systematic brings together and drives an ecosystem of excellence structured around 7 technological hubs and 3 economic and societal challenges.

Service offer

Systematic supports you on a daily basis in your innovation, development and acceleration initiatives at regional, national, European and international level.

Global competitiveness cluster,


Brings together and animates an ecosystem of excellence of 900 members, dedicated to Deep Tech.

A global competitiveness cluster, Systematic Paris-Region brings together and runs an ecosystem of excellence of 900 members, dedicated to Deep Tech as well as to major economic and societal challenges. The Cluster accelerates digital projects through collaborative innovation, the development of SMEs, business networking and sourcing. Its mission is also to promote its ecosystem and its projects with the aim of increasing its notoriety and developing the attractiveness of the territory.

Our missions
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© 2025 SYSTEMATIC PARIS REGION. Création Agence Peach